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Entrepreneurship Education | Maltas Vidusskoala

Foto do escritor: neschoolsneschools

Maltas Secondary School is currently one of the most prestigious schoools in Rezekne , Latvia. There work more than 80 educators, with around 1000 students. in an infrastructure that takes about five hectares. Maltas Secundary School is implementing the new competence framework, where it was created a new system for school with three teamed up blocks of classes a science block, a language block and a primary school block. The school is divided into so called cross cutting themes, and the school has a theme for cooperation and participation. The core idea of competence education is to fundamentally change not only children's awareness, but also the pedagogues' approach to teaching the subject in a creative and modern way.

At the moment, the student will be the creator in the new system he is at the center. He will have to go out and know all the knowledge, and the teacher is the only driver.

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